Thursday, February 23, 2006

Since yesterday mid-morning/afternoon I've been feeling down. It swamped me last night and while I expected my hopes to be raised when I woke up in the morning, this was not the case. I still went about my usual routine, with the addition of a 40 minute work-out.
However, after I got off the subway and purchased some Dunkin' Donuts, I caught a glimpse of Leslie. Leslie is a homeless woman I met 5 years ago, she used to come into my work and spout off about who was out to get her and who she was suing. She would purchase stuffed grape leaves with loose change.
Apparently (as I was told), she had been a lawyer with schizophrenic inclinations who had gone off her medication. She left her home, where she believed people would find her and capture her, and began to live on the streets--carting her possessions around in a shopping cart.
I remember once that she gave me a loaf of bread, telling me to hide it so "they" wouldn't find out. She also once took my work hat off of my head to examine my eyes; she told me they were beautiful. She was fascinated.
Seeing her today gave me a sudden immense sense of comfort. That she was still alive, still looked the same, still just doing her thing. Somehow she represented a kind of consistency in life. Somehow, this woman who used to wash herself in my work's public restroom, sent waves of comfort and calm through my internal system.

Man admits being Ripper hoaxer
Staff and agencies
Thursday February 23, 2006
A 50-year-old man today admitted being the Yorkshire Ripper hoaxer known as "Wearside Jack" but denied intending to pervert the course of justice.
John Humble, of Sunderland, pleaded not guilty to four charges of perverting the course of justice over three hoax letters and one tape made between 1978 and 1979.
At a pre-trial hearing at Leeds crown court today, his defence counsel, David Taylor, said: "A defence statement has now been drafted whereby the defence concedes that he wrote the letters and in fact made the tape.
"The issue now is not one of whether it actually was him ... it is solely the question of intent." Mr Taylor stressed that Mr Humble's not guilty pleas still stood.
Mr Humble, a former labourer and window cleaner, was not in court for the hearing, during which Judge James Stewart QC lifted reporting restrictions on the case.
The hoaxes led detectives to divert their inquiry from Yorkshire to Sunderland. During that time, the real killer, Peter Sutcliffe, from Bingley, West Yorkshire, murdered three further women before he was arrested in 1981.
Two of the letters were sent directly to Assistant Chief Constable George Oldfield, who led the investigation in the late 70s. A further letter was sent to a national newspaper office in Manchester.
The audio tape - which purported to be from the murderer and taunted the police for their failure to catch him - caused a sensation when detectives played it to the public in 1979.
Following the receipt of the letters and tape, a huge police effort was concentrated on the Sunderland area after senior officers decided the Wearside voice was that of the murderer.
However, the letters and tape were exposed as a hoax when Sutcliffe was arrested and confessed to being the killer.
Sutcliffe, now 59, from Bradford, West Yorkshire, was jailed for life for the murder of 13 women. He is currently being held at Broadmoor Special Hospital.
At today's hearing, Judge Stewart adjourned the case until March 20, when Mr Humble is due to go on trial.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - A homeless man who police say tried to take a sheep from the Little Rock Zoo has been arrested on numerous charges. A security guard at the zoo called police Tuesday evening after spotting a man carrying a trash can with a sheep in it, a police report said.
When officers arrived Grady Allen Carnahan, 32, told them he was a doctor and the sheep was sick. He said he was taking the animal to a veterinary clinic, the report said.
Carnahan fought with officers as they were trying to take him into custody, police said.
He was arrested on a felony charge of violating an animal facility and on misdemeanor charges of criminal trespass, cruelty to animals, resisting arrest, and theft of property.
The animal was returned to its pen at the zoo.
Thursday, February 16, 2006

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
map.out dignified

Maps are abstract objects used to represent real places and things by use of symbolization. In order for one to create a successful map, the creator must take into consideration the audience. They must ask themselves, who will use this map and what will they use it for? Then, taking into account the needs of the percipient, the creator is able to make a well designed map accordingly.

For other uses, see Map (disambiguation).
A map is a simplified depiction of a space, a navigational aid which highlights relations between objects within that space. Most usually a map is a two-dimensional, geometrically accurate representation of a three-dimensional space.

In 1979, NASA published ATLAS OF MARS: THE 1:5,000,000 MAP SERIES, edited by R.M. Batson, P.M. Bridges, and J.L. Inge, of the U.S. Geological Survey in Flagstaff, Arizona. This was a compendium of airbrushed shaded relief maps, controlled photomosaics, and in a few cases albedo (shading) maps, mostly assembled from Mariner 9 survey images, with some gaps filled by Viking orbiter images. The planet was divided into thirty "quadrangles" or areas, each with an "Mars Chart" or "MC" number (MC-1 through MC-30). The equatorial region was portrayed in the Mercator projection, with Lambert Conformal Conic for the mid-latitudes and Polar Stereographic for the poles. The image above is a reproduction of the new MGS MOC Mars Digital Map.
Conventionally, on most geometrically accurate maps text is upright when the map is oriented with the north up, hence north is identified with the top of a sheet.

Many but not all maps are drawn to a scale, allowing the reader to infer the actual sizes of, and distances between, depicted objects

World maps and projections
Main article: World map

Making a meaningful map is the ultimate goal.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
What is left or What was left?
The alien below, left during a walk along Larchwood, was a memento of a close friend of mine. It was acquired the second time we were out together from a 25 cent machine in the Wal-Mart. When I missed him greatly, while I was away and dealing with myself, I carried it in my pocket. I question "What is left" or "What was left" because I find him extremely difficult to contact and sometimes as almost a chore of a friend(which sounds terrible, but more explanation would make the statement more understandable). Therefore, was it just a memento left on a sidewalk corner, or is it all that is left of our friendship? I'd like to think the former rather than the latter. But the symbolism interests me.